Wednesday 20 October 2010

Crystal Castles @ ABC 19/10/10

Tonight the ABC sees a vast change from Robyn’s pop charms of last night, but yet again the venue is packed full albeit for an altogether more riotous experience.

LA based noise rock favourites HEALTH return to the Glasgow as support after a recent headline slot at the Arches and play to their biggest Glasgow crowd to date.

The Californian four-piece look more than at home as they power through a set of high impact, hair swinging post-punk. You could be forgiven for dismissing them as metal on first glance but images should not be thrown aside as their powerful industrial beats could penetrate many a dance floor.

Then it’s the turn of tonight’s headliners, Crystal Castles may be like marmite but no one in attendance can argue that the beat driven assault launched on the ABC tonight does not deliver.

A combination of constant smoke machines and seizure inducing strobes throughout the entire set produce a uniquely apocalyptic vision as the duo’s leader Alice Glass struts around the stage only visual as a silhouette for the majority of the set.

It isn’t long before Glass makes the first of many voyages into the braying crowd, as the tiny cropped singer approaches a sea of hands greeting her in a scene approaching the opening sequence of George A. Romero’s Day of the Dead.

Despite her rarely being in full vision Glass’ presence cannot be brought to fault, she is a constant blur of energy, as she screeches through tracks from new album Crystal Castles II, jumping from raised object to raised object while jumping around like a crazed nymph.

The atmosphere in the ABC tonight feels more like a rave than a gig as the crowd on whole jump wildly with hands raised throughout. Each and every song from latest release ‘Baptism’ to old favourite ‘Alice Practice’ are met with the same unrelenting wave of euphoria.

Crystal Castles may have once been laden with the new rave tag but the Canadian duo have outlived that scene and ousted the memory of it. Their live show has gone from strength to strength and even the shyest gig goer would struggle not to dance to this explosive live experience.

Photos: Fran Lightbound

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