A delay of about half an hour hits into Robyn’s set tonight but this is quite happily eaten into by DJ duo Rebecca & Fiona, who appear to having the time of their lives as they dance around the ABC stage.
Still it is one person everyone is here to see, as Robyn speaks an intro track and the stage gets drowned in strobe the excitement in the room hits fever pitch. The quirky Swede emerges in an ever so kitsch outfit, which cuts down throughout the set to a much simpler but no less cheeky attire.
Opening with R&B enthused ‘Fembot’ sees the singer taking a step further into a scene she has be known to dabble, as she takes on the persona as the ultimate robot diva.
Most of the material tonight is new to Glasgow as Robyn is promoting her three album Body Talk series. With the second part just out and the third due later this year she seems to be pushing even further into the pop spotlight.
Latest single ‘Hang With Me’ hints at Robyn’s pop capabilities before we reach the set’s club section. The heavy bass hits in and ‘We Dance To The Beat’ delivers exactly what it says on the tin.
The Stockholm born popstess is certainly in the mood this evening and any doubts about the set’s energy dropping are quelled as she wolfs a banana in the midst of wild dance.
‘Love Kills’ continues the dance vibe, injecting a little clap along for the crowd before stepping into the upbeat electro Röyksopp single ‘The Girl and the Robot’, which sees Robyn reverse her robot persona from set opener ‘Fembot’.
The crowd matches the performer all night in terms of energy and this is no more evident when Body Talk, Pt. 1 single ‘Dancing On My Own’ fires out whipping the crowd into frantic excitement as Robyn displays the top end of her pop gems.
‘With Every Heartbeat’ is easily Robyn’s most recognisable track, her UK no.1 thus far, but it is a credit to the singer’s other tracks that no noticeable change is taken from the crowd, not that any more energy can be extracted from the excitable audience.
Robyn is at that bizarre stage where she has yet to reach the heights of mass stardom, trendy kids secretly adore her but there is a silly taboo with something this accessible. As a result, the crowd this evening is an odd mix and for many a first gig, explaining the mass head for the exit before the encore.
Upon returning to the stage Robyn and co not quite hit the heights of earlier but that is a difficult thing to fault them on. ‘Konichiwa Bitches’ and ‘Be Mine’ give welcome calls back the time when Robyn first him the mainstream and end the set on a reminiscent but no less pop fuelled brilliance.
Pop stardom may be where Robyn wants to be or not but it is certainly where she ought be. The set from start to finish is full of sugar coated pop and dance floor fillers and if Body Talk, Pt. 3 lives up to the first two then it wont be long before she is playing to screaming fanatical kids in their masses. So, make sure you set her while she’s still at a relatively modest venue.
Photos: Debbie McCuish
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